Our next breed education day is to be held on Sunday 15th December 2024
To be held by kind permission of the Ladies Kennel Association Championship Show, Stafford Showground ST18 0BD
Time to be confirmed
Speaker Mr Ian Millar
Cost: £20 for seminar (breed talk) only or £30 for Seminar plus M.C.E
Our BAD organiser is Mrs. Karen Bugg (Assistant Secretary)
Email Karen: karen@komargo.co.uk for an application form or further information.
Contact our BEC Melanie Reed-Peck for details in taking the M.C.E. ONLY.
Email Melanie: byquyfamily@gmail.com
The seminar comprises of a breed talk aiming to provide or re-enforce the basic knowledge required to establish a candidates / Level 1 Judge’s understanding and appreciation of the breed, in order to take a subsequent Multiple-Choice Breed Standard exam (dependent on eligibility – see ** below).
Attending the Breed Seminar and passing the Multiple-choice Breed Standard Exam forms part of the criteria that will enable the candidate to attain Level 2 status.
Subjects covered will include a brief history, function of the breed and its correlation to its confirmation and movement. All elements of the standard will be covered, and there will be live exhibits. The exam will follow.
**Multiple-Choice Exam Eligibility – in order to sit this exam, candidates must either already be approved to award CC’s to a breed or will have to have fulfilled all the entry level criteria (if not approved to award CC’s) which includes the following:
. 1) Attend a KC Requirements of a Dog Show Judge seminar and exam pass.
. 2) Pass the KC 50 points of a Dog Assessment.
. 3) Attend a KC Conformation and Movement Seminar.
. 4) Undertaken 2 days stewarding appointments.
. 5) Proven interest of a minimum of 5 years in one or more aspects of the breeding and exhibiting of pedigree dogs.