Championship Show 2006

Saturday 7th October 2006 Judge Mrs. Diane Forknall

Best In Show Dr.& Mrs. Thorne’s Schipdale Robin

Reserve Best In Show & Best Opposite Sex Mr. D. & Mrs.J. Robjohns’ Ch Radash Music Of The Night for Qwontox

Best Puppy In Show Mrs J Mance Schipdale Orlando

Best Veteran In Show Mr. D. & Mrs.J. Robjohns’ Ch Radash Music Of The Night for Qwontox

Best Coloured In Show Mrs. P Allington’s Rexford Snow White

Dog Classes

Minor Puppy Dog (2)
1. Mrs.L.Wild & Miss C.Dennett’s Clynalwin Bacchus [Photo]
2. Mr. D. & Mrs.J. Robjohns’ Qwontox Quirinus

Puppy Dog (2,1)
1. Mrs J Mance Schipdale Orlando [Photo]

Junior Dog (3,1)

1. Mrs. J.Bayliss’ Aradet Party Animal [Photo]
2. J.Holland,R Daly & J Meeran’s Abylity Keltic King

Special Yearling Dog (2)
1. Mr A & Mrs J Holland’s Schojan Lord of the Dance [Photo]
2. Mr W & Mrs. J. Powell’s Brookwell Black Sabbath

Post Graduate Dog (3)
1. Mr A & Mrs J Holland’s Schojan Dance Master [Photo]
2. Mrs. L.Wearing’s Aradet Kloudburst
3. Mr & Mrs Muggleton’s Mywulf Faramir’s Dream

Limit Dog (7,3)
1. Mrs. J. Powell’s Monterrez I’ll Be Back at Brookwell
2. Mrs. L. Wilson’s Aradet Off The Chart At Lyncathmor
3. Mrs A>E Roberts’ Ludwyn’s Starters Orders
4. Holland & Neilsen’s Midwatch Sundance Kid (IMP)

Open Dog (6)
1. Dr.& Mrs. Thorne’s Schipdale Robin (Dog CC, Best In Show)
2. Mrs J Bayliss’ Aradet Man In Black
3. Mrs L Whales’ Ch Roshaana Hyperion ShCM
4..Mesdames Rollinson & Chonos Ch/Am Ch Kassalmak Dakota at Shellkirma (Re-Imp)
5.Mrs B West’s Franhowil Stalker at Bahram

Special Open Dog (6,1 absent)
1.Mrs A.E Roberts’ Ludwyn’s Starters Orders
2.Mrs D M Posnett’s Tarnhows Silver Sand of Dreda
3. Mrs R Jones’ Ludwyn’s Alphabetical Order

Veteran Dog (1)
1. Mrs. J. Powell’s Brookwell Rocket Man

Bitch Classes

Minor Puppy Bitch (3)

1. Mrs. L Whales’ Qwontox Quidnunc by Roshaana
2. Mrs D Dunnett’s Roshven Classic Black
3. Mr & Mrs Frost’s Clynalwin Bella

Puppy Bitch (6)
1 Mesdames Diggines & Earp’s Carozza Molly Malone with Ludwyn
2.Mrs K Percival’s Monterrez Jingle Belle for Hantreved
3. Mrs A Reed’s Byquy Nitetime Girl
4. Dr & Mrs Thorne’s Schipdale Lady Isabella
5. Mesdames Rollison & Boles’ Kassalmak Hattie Tude at Chadbower

Junior Bitch (5,3)
1. Mr & Mrs Muggleton’s Rexford Royal Icing over Mywulf
2. Mrs. L.Wearing’s Aradet Party Politics
3. Mr & Mrs Frost’s Clynalwin Bella

Special Yearling Bitch (3,1)
1. Mrs. P Allington’s Rexford Black Cherub
2. Mr & Mrs Frost’s Clynalwin Bella

Post Graduate Bitch (7)
1. Mr & Mrs Robjohns’ Qwontox Celtic Quest
2. Messrs Yoshira & Tricklebank’s Nocte Pandora
3. MR & Mrs Holland’s Qwontox Celtic Connection
4. Mrs D Dunnett’s Roshven Gold Top
5. Mrs C Snowdon’s Schipdale Florence

Limit Bitch (6,2)
1. Mrs. P Allington’s Rexford Snow White
2. Mrs. J. Powell’s Brookwell Brown Eyed Girl
3. Mrs D Dunnett’s Roshven Black Magic
4. Mrs P Shillingford’s Franhowil Lady of the Lakes of Pamrays

Open Bitch (10,2)
1. Mrs. C.M. Diggines Ludwyn’s Black Velvet
2. Mrs. J. Mance’s Ch Schipdale Shakira at Ryeman
3. Mrs E Vincent’s Tarnhows Sunrise
4. Messrs Yoshira & Tricklebank’s Carozza Magdalene for Nocte
5. Mr & Mrs Robjohns’ Ch Qwontox Ebony Eyes Sh.CM

Special Open Bitch (4,1)
1. Mrs. P Allington’s Rexford Sugar Babe
2. Mrs E Vincent’s Tarnhows Sunrise
3.Mrs D Dunnett’s Roshven Gold Top

Veteran Bitch (5,1)
1. Mr & Mrs Robjohns’ Ch Radash Music of the Night for Qwontox BCC
2. Messrs A. Yosiro & P. Tricklebank’s Carozza Diamanda At Nocte
3. Mrs B West’s Bahram Kisses
4.Mrs. J. Powell’s Franhowil Ruby

1. Powell’s
2. Holland

Mick Boles Memorial Stakes Special Yearling

1. Mrs.L.Wild & Miss C.Dennett’s Clynalwin Bacchus [Photo]
2. Mesdames Rollison & Boles’ Kassalmak Hattie Tude at Chadbower
3.Mr & Mrs Frost’s Clynalwin Bella

Mick Boles Memorial Stakes Open

1. Mesdames Rollinson & Chonos’ Ch/Am Ch Kassalmak Dakota at Shelkirma (Re-Imp)
2. Mrs.L.Wild & Miss C.Dennett’s Ch Kassalmak Warrior
3.Mrs C Snowdon’s Schipdale Florence


6-11 Years

1. Hannah Francis Percival [Photo]
2. Lauren Bayliss

12-16 Years

1. Bryony Wilson ( Best Junior Handler) [Photo]
2. Samantha Allington Rice
3. M Williams

Contact Schipperke Club Secretary:
Melanie Reed-Peck (Byquy), 26 Malvern Close, Newmarket CB8 8BP
Tel: 01638 668664

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