Schipperke Club Ch Show East of England 2021

Judge: Tim Ball

My grateful thanks to The Schipperke Club for asking me to officiate at their Championship Show which was held in conjunction with East of England General Championship Show. I was a replacement judge for Penny Laverick who withdrew from the appointment due to ill health. I wish Penny well in her recovery. As my appointment was announced prior to the close of entries, I expect most entered with this knowledge. For those who entered prior, thank you for accepting myself as your replacement judge.

I found the entry challenging in places and there was far greater diversity than I had encountered previously. A really delightful breed that would benefit from a few more serious breeders/exhibitors.

MPD (1,0)
1. Massey’s Ristine Sunny Jim. 8 mth gold and very much a baby. He pleased in head with dark, expressive eyes, muzzle of moderate length, ears of correct set, excellent pigmentation and desired scissor bite. Slightly arched neck, short back with firm topline, rib developing nicely, short loin and tail set on well. He needs to develop in forechest as he is rather narrow right now but he has plenty of time on his side. Moving briskly on the go around and well enough on the down and back. Coat could use more texture but not always easy to achieve in the colours. Best Puppy Dog and Best AOC Dog.

PD (1,0)
1. Massey’s Ristine Sunny Jim

SYD (1,0)
1. Massey’s Ristine Magical Spice. 19 mth cream with a natural bob. This boy still has lots of maturing to do and right now he appears rather high on the leg. Slightly arched neck of correct length, firm straight back, ribcage extending well back and rib developing well, muscular loin. Pleasing head with good skull, moderate length of muzzle, dark eyes, ears of correct set and scissor bite. Like his kennel mate he still needs to develop in forechest but standing on good feet. Moving out briskly in profile, nice firm rear action but could be better coming towards. Pretty good coat texture.

PGD (2,0)
1. Wilson’s Schipdale Night Fall. 22 mth old black who won comfortably in this class for me. He was so good to go over given his correct construction and presented a nicely balanced outline. Strong, slightly arched neck, short straight back, excellent ribbing, muscular loin and curled tail set on well. Quality head with fair breadth to skull, moderate length of muzzle, super eye and ear and correct dentition. He stands nice and straight in front on good feet, has good breadth and depth to chest and is well-muscled in the rear with well let down hocks. Moving in typical fashion for the breed with excellent self carriage. Abundant coat with fair texture.
2. Hall & Twigger’s Chadbower Drew of Ghilgrange TAF. 2 yr old black of completely different type to the winner and was rather unsettled on the day. Slighter all round and obviously needs more time to fill out. Nicely headed boy with good skull, moderate length to muzzle, dark expressive eyes, ears of correct set and scissor bite. Slightly arched neck of correct length to balance but topline not that of winner. Nice straight front but needs to broaden, good feet and firm rear with well let down hocks. Moving out briskly, nice firm rear action and good enough when coming at you. Good coat texture.

LD (5,0)
1. Cheatham’s Schipdale A Kind of Magic. A challenging class with five dogs present and no two alike! The winner was this 2 yr old black. Soundly constructed boy who was good to go over. He pleased for head and expression with flat skull of fair breadth, medium length of muzzle, dark eyes of good shape and size, ears set on correctly and scissor bite. Slightly arched neck of correct length to balance, ribcage extending well back, short loin and tail set on well. Good angles front and rear, standing straight on excellent feet and well developed thighs with well let down hocks. Moving freely with good carriage.
2. Mance’s Blitzstan Teller of Tails with Ryeman. 2 year old black of completely different type to the winner and one who really has to been seen up close to appreciate. More compact than the winner and carrying more coat and my first impression was that he was unbalanced; this is not the case when you actually get your hands on him. Strong, rather short neck, short straight back, excellent ribbing, muscular loin and tail set on well. Quality headpiece with good skull, excellent eye and ear, moderate length of muzzle and correct mouth. Standing nice and straight in front on good feet and firm, muscular rear. Moving briskly and well handled.
3. Wearing’s Blackshuck Blue Saphire with Miofrey

OD (3,0)
1. Forknall’s Avidore Puttin On The Style. 4 yr old who was so good to go over and presented a nicely balanced outline. Most attractive head and expression with flat skull of fair breadth, nice dark eye, ears set on well, muzzle of moderate length and good dentition. Slightly arched neck of correct length to balance, short straight back, ribcage extends well back and ribs well sprung, short muscular loin and curled tail of good set. Well constructed both front and rear, straight forelegs, good breadth to chest and muscular hindquarters with well let down hocks. Moving briskly with good self carriage. Dense jacket of harsh texture. Well handled. RCC.
2. Rollinson’s Fin/Ir Ch Fandal’s Un Amor for Chadbower (Imp). Just short of 7 yrs this black is so very different to the winner and smaller all round. Another who is well made and pleased to go over. Strong neck of correct length, nice short back, good depth to chest, nice ribbing, muscular loin and tail tightly curled and carried over the back. Pleasing head and expression with good skull and muzzle, nice dark eyes, ears a tad too close together but of correct size, good dentition. He stands nice and straight in front on good feet and didn’t disappoint on the move. Coat could be harsher.
3. Collier’s Stoneyburn Banna. This 5 yr old black is a lovely headed boy and was another who was handled to advantage. Fairly broad, flat skull, correct stop, excellent eye and ear, moderate length of muzzle and correct scissor bite. Rather short neck, short straight back, ribcage could extend a little further back, muscular loin and tail of correct set and carriage. He stands well in front with good breadth to chest and has good feet. Moving well all through. Fair coat texture.

AOC OD (AOC than Black) (1,0)
1. Massey’s Ristine Magical Spice

Champion D (1,0)
1. Mance’s Ch Ryeman Robin. 5 yr old mature black. Quality boy who really took my eye on the day. He is good for size and balance and certainly didn’t disappoint upon closer examination. Slightly arched, muscular neck, nice short straight back, excellent ribbing and good depth of brisket, short well-muscled loin and tightly curled tail set and carried well. Just loved his head and expression; flat skull of fair breath, the very best of eyes and ears, muzzle of medium length and correct scissor bite. Good angles both front and rear, forelegs perfectly straight, standing on good feet and firm, muscular hindquarters with well let down hocks. Moving out briskly with confident carriage and true when coming and going. Abundant coat of excellent texture. Very well handled to take the CC here today.

MPB (2,0)
1. Wilcox’s Dencas Come Dance With Me. 7 mth black and what a lovely pup she is! Cobby youngster who excels for type and is so good to go over given her correct construction. Delightful head and expression with correct skull and muzzle, the very best of eyes and ears and correct scissor bite. Short, slightly arched neck, straight short back, well ribbed back, nice short loin and curled tail set on well. As sound as they come with good angles front and rear, standing straight on correct feet and firm rear with well let down hocks. Moving briskly with good carriage. Best Puppy in Show.
2. Hall & Twigger’s Roopec’s Gonna Get You with Ghilgrange. 8 mth black with a partial tail and one who is so very different to the winner. She will need more time as she is a different build and right now appears a tad rangy. She pleased for neck, topline and tail set. Ribcage extends well back and is developing nicely. Attractive head with good skull, correct stop, moderate length of muzzle, very good eyes and ears and correct scissor bite. She stands nice and straight in front with good width to chest and is nice and firm behind with hocks well let down. Moving well on the go around, nice and true behind but winner had the edge coming towards. Good coat.

PB (3,0)
1. Wearing’s Tredreas Magic Moment. 9 mth black who I thought showed great promise. Feminine throughout she is well made and therefore good to go over. Slightly arched neck of correct length, short straight back, ribbed well back and rib developing nicely for age, muscular loin and tail set on well. Nice straight forelegs, good feet and firm, well-muscled hindquarters with hocks well let down. Moving true coming and going and in brisk fashion on the go around. Good coat. Inquisitive youngster who was very well handled.
2. Hall & Twigger’s Roopec’s Gonna Get You with Ghilgrange
3. McKenna’s Tredreas Orchid Princess. Another good one and I see this black is the litter sister to the class winner. Unfortunately she was somewhat unsure of her surroundings and didn’t show herself to her best advantage. I do hope that her owner perseveres with her though as she really is a lovely pup. I thought her head and expression quite lovely and she has the best of eyes and ears. Balanced in outline with good neck, topline and tail and was able to catch glimpses of sound, free action.

JB (1,0)
1. Manners’ Roopec Finnish Fancy. 14 mth black with a natural bob who is at the teenager stage right now and appears rather refined. A sound girl who pleased to go over and she stands foot perfect at all times. Most attractive head and expression, totally feminine with excellent eye and ear, flat skull of fair breadth, medium length of muzzle and correct dentition. Slightly arched neck, good topline, ribcage extending well back and nice firm loin. Moving true and in brisk fashion. Coat could use more texture. Attentive showgirl who is as one with her handler.

PGB (2,0)
1. Rollinson’s Chadbower Emilia. 2 yr old black. This girl pleased all round but she is still to mature. She presented a nicely balanced outline with slightly arched neck of correct length, short straight back, good depth to chest, nice ribbing, muscular loin and curled tail of good set. Most attractive headpiece with dark, expressive eyes, ears set on just right and correct scissor bite. She has good angles both front and rear, stands nice and straight in front on correct feet and is well-muscled behind with well let down hocks. Moving out briskly and making the most of herself as she goes. Would like more texture to coat. Very well handled.
2. Manners’ Roopec Finnish Fancy

LB (2,0)
1. Reed’s Stoneyburn Maia. 5 yr old black who presented such a good outline with slightly arched neck of correct length, short straight back, good depth to brisket, excellent ribbing, muscular loin and tightly curled tail of good set. Feminine head and expression with flat skull of moderate width, nice eye and ear, medium length to muzzle and correct dentition. Pleasing construction all through, standing straight in front on good feet and firm rear with hocks well let down. Moving briskly on the go around with confident carriage.
2. Forknall’s Blackshuck Purple Audace at Avidore. 3 yr old black who was not making the most of herself on the day. A somewhat looser tail spoilt the picture. She has a lovely head and expression with good skull and muzzle, excellent eye and ear and correct dentition. Neck of correct length, firm topline, good length to ribcage and short well-muscled loin. She stands nice and straight in front on good feet and has firm, muscular hindquarters with well let down hocks. Moving well enough in profile, true when going away but rather wider when coming at you.

OB (4,2)
1. Manners’ Chadbower Nevaeh Lahetti. Two very different bitches challenged here. The winner was this 4 yr old black. Quality girl who I thought such a good type and she presented a beautifully balanced outline. First class headpiece with fairly broad, flat skull, the very best of eyes and ears, moderate length of muzzle and correct scissor bite. Strong, slightly arched neck, short straight back, good depth to chest, excellent ribbing, short muscular loin, good underline and tightly curled tail of correct set. As sound as a pound, standing straight in front on very good feet and firm, muscular hindquarters with hocks well let down. Super showgirl who does everything for her handler, moving out briskly on the go around with excellent carriage and true both fore and aft. Abundant coat of excellent texture. My selection for the CC & Best in Show and delighted to hear that this was her crowning award.
2. McKenna & Forknall’s Tredreas Scotia Princess among Avidore. This 2 yr old black also appealed. Not the showgirl that the winner is and very slightly longer so presenting a different outline. Having said that she was so good to go over and is well made all through. Pleasing head with good skull and muzzle, dark expressive eyes, ears of correct set and scissor bite. She has a good breadth of chest, stands nice and straight in front on good feet and has muscular, well developed thighs with well let down hocks. Moving soundly viewed from all angles. Good coat.

AOC OB (AOC than Black) (1,0)
1. Peck’s Komargo Galataia with Byquy. 3 yr old cream. Not quite in full coat but what a super girl she is. Feminine throughout, she presented the cobby outline of the breed with slightly arched neck of correct length to balance, short straight back, good depth to brisket, excellent ribbing, short well-muscled loin and curled tail of correct set. Quality head with flat skull of moderate breadth, correct stop, super eyes and ears, medium length of muzzle and correct dentition. Faultless construction, standing straight in front on excellent feet and firm, muscular hindquarters with well let down hocks. She carries herself so well when gaiting, moving briskly and with attitude and was handled here to advantage. RCC, Reserve Best in Show and Best AOC in Show.

GCB (1,0)
1. Reed’s Stoneyburn Arbeia. 6 yr old black and what a livewire this mature girl is! Soundly built throughout and standing so well naturally. Rather short neck, firm topline, good depth to chest but ribcage could extend a little further back, muscular loin and tail set on well. Feminine head but a tad broader in skull, good ears for set, medium length of muzzle and correct dentition. Moving in typical fashion, using herself at all times and nice and true when coming and going. Well handled.

Contact Schipperke Club Secretary:
Melanie Reed-Peck (Byquy), 26 Malvern Close, Newmarket CB8 8BP
Tel: 01638 668664

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