Not many genuinely ‘cobby’ examples of the breed today
PD 1 (0) 1 Hood’s Django Alpha Nero With Arathorn Very promising puppy. Excellent head and expression although a fraction long at present
JD 2 (0) Mclachlan & Morrison’s Franhowil Its All Or Nothing (BP & RCC) Very promising, with a lovely outline and excellent head and expression. Moved well 2 Thorne’s Schipdale Barnaby. Another very good example of the breed – just a little long in back. Moved well.
LD 1 (0) 1 Hall’s Chadbower Drew Of Ghilgrange (DCC BoB) A very smart and absolutely typical example of the breed, Excellent head and expression, ideal, ‘cobby’ outline. Moved well.
OD 5 (2) 1 Brooks’ Deakie Donnie Dinnie. Up to size but a good dog of the right shape. Good head and coat. 2 Hood’s, Revloch Fire At Will CJW19. Close up to 1 with a good head although neck a little short. Crabbed a little on the move.
VD 2 (0) 1 Masse’s Ristine Tweedledee (BV) Excellent in every respect other than being slightly too long in back. Moved very well. 2 Brooks’ Fandal’s Viljam At Ridgebrook (NBT) Another very good dog, close up to 1. Crabbed a little on the move (Imp Fin).
SBD 1 (0) 1 Finch’s, Ristine Starry Night AW(S) (BSB). Very smart, correct head and good on the move. Just a little long in loin and I would prefer a little more substance in chest,
PB 1 (0) 1 Hall’s Ghilgrange Hanky Panky Nice head but still needs to mature – she is a little narrow in front and chest and she is too long at present.
JB 1 (0) 1 Mclachlan & Morrison’s Franhowil Luv Or Hate Me (RBCC). Just 8 months old but very promising. Just the right outline, head and expression. Moved well – one to watch.
OB 2 (0) 1 Mclachlan & Morrison’s Fullmoon Winds Of Winter (Imp USA) (BCC). Up to size for a bitch but near perfect in every other respect. Super outline and typical head and expression 2 Mckenna & Forknall’s Tredreas Scotia Princess Among Avidore. Lovely head and expression but a fraction long coupled and tail set a little low.
David Cavill
It has been a great honour to Judge at Crufts, thank you.
VD (4) 1 Delaporte, Multi Ch Splendid Three Colour Vigo Pride of Russia (ATC Rus) Shown in lovely condition nice shape good head and ear set good bone moved well. 2 Massey, Ristine Tweedledee. Another very nice veteran, good all round, just preferred the movement on my 1st. 3 Brooks, Fandal’s Vilijam At Ridgebrook.
PD (1) 1 Hood. Django Alpha Nero With Arathorn (Imp Cze) Very promising puppy with lots of potential balanced head and ear set good conformation neat feet moved well.
JD (2) 1 Thorne, Schipdale Barnaby. Very eye catching junior with a very promising future lovely shape compact lovely head and expression neat ears good topline moved around the ring with ease pleased to award him the Res CC. 2 Bleckert, Mahdoton Perfect Storm DK much (ATC Fin) Nicely put together good head and ear set moved well.
PGD (1) 1 Donaldson, Malala Tov Bestseller (Imp Rus) Nice shape good bone head and ears lively and alert certainly matches this young man he was full of himself.
LD (4) 1 Wilson, Schipdale Night Fall at Lyncathmor. Lovely head and expressive eyes, neat ears, pleasing shape moved well, in lovely condition. 2 Finch, Ristine Starry Night AW(S). Good head pleasing outline and proportions moved with purpose. 3 Roover, Titeuf.
OD (12,1) 1 Hood, Revloch Fire At Will Cjw 19 Very sound Dog lovely outline nice dark eye gentle expression good coat texture moved with ease round the ring handled well lovely condition pleased to award him the DCC. 2 Donaldson, Zorbaloo Don Julio. Pleasing head, neat ears, nice shape, moved well. 3 Bradford, Karmargo Guiness’n’Black.
VB (1) 1 Bugg, Ch Komargo Fearless Florence. Compact bitch lovely head and expression, pleasing outline, good to see a veteran looking so well. Best Veteran.
PB (1) 1 Delaporte, U Are Little Kelly Du Dragon Rouge De Jupiter. Well balanced puppy, lovely outline, good head, pleasing expression, moved well around the ring. JB (4) 1 Forknall & Forknall & Holland & Holland, Zorbaloo Happy Hour Again at Avidore. Balanced head and ear placement, good topline, moved out well, good coat, very happy. 2 Delaporte, U are Little Kelly Du Dragon Rouge De Jupiter, as previous. 3 Vink, Mahdoton Pocket Full Of Joy.
PGB (2) 1 Daskalova, Dencas Under My Skin. Short coupled, lovely outline when posed, neat ears good head and expression good movement. 2 Hall, Roopec’s Gonna Get Ya with Ghilgrange. Nice type, pleasing head and outline, moved well.
LB (2) 1 Hesterberg, Amazing Akima Vorn Limespark. Feminine bitch, nice outline when she settled, pleasing head, nice eye, moved and shown well. 2 Vink, Mahdoton Pocket Full Of Joy. Pleasing head, good topline, moved well.
OB (7,1) 1 Philpott, Ch Komargo Going for Gold. Beautiful gold bitch, short coupled, well balanced, lovely head with a keen expression. Very sound, good topline, looked a picture moved and shown in lovely condition, top class pleased to award her bitch CC & BOB. 2 McKenna & Mckenna & Forknall. Ch Tredeas Scotia Princess among Avidore. Lovely bitch with feminine head, lovely expression, balanced throughout, moved with purpose, well presented, RBCC. 3 Wilcox, Ch Dencas Come Dance With Me.
Lesley Wearing
SBD (1) 1 Finch’s, Ristine Starry Night AW(S), 5 ½ years old black that I can recall judging on two previous occasions he has matured nicely with a foxy head, dark brown oval shaped eyes, scissor bite, erect ears well used, slightly arched neck into adequate body and short lying coat with no mane, front legs viewed straight with ample bone, good rear quarters, on the move he is brisk but stiff in front movement. Best Special Beginner
PD (1) 1 Hood’s, Django Alpha Nero With Arathorn, 10 months old, black, nice type and shape in profile, developing masculine head with foxy expression, dark brown oval eyes, scissor bite with dark pigmented mouth, erect ears well placed, arched neck into nice body, front legs viewed straight with ample bone, balanced rear quarters, moved free and even from the rear, a touch restricted in front for me, Best Puppy.
JD (1) 1 Thorne’s, Schipdale Barnaby, 15 months old, lovely young dog, developing masculine head with dark brown oval eyes giving alert expression, well placed ears, scissor bite, slightly arched neck into firm straight back, front legs viewed straight with catlike feet, just enough coat to make a nice shape with mane and culottes coming, on the move he was wide in front (I had to forgive him) and he had even rear quarters, Dog CC.
PGD (1) 1 Donaldson’s, Mazal Tov Bestseller (Imp Rus) 2 ½ year old black, the only thing I like with this one was his head, dark oval eyes and scissor bite. He is far too small with short neck and body, no tail, his front legs are viewed straight but they need at least 2 inch more length to bring him up, on the move he paced and when corrected he was restricted in stride. This is my honest opinion sorry!
LD (1) 1 Hall’s, Chadbower Drew Of Ghilgrange, 5 year old, black that is overloaded with his front assembly, shoulders and ribs, masculine foxy head with dark brown oval eyes, small erect ears and scissor bite, front legs viewed straight with medium bone and small feet, on the move he was moved far too fast, but he was short stepping on the front with even hocks on the rear.
OD (8,1) 1 Rollinson And Manners’s Ir Ch Summerhaze Shafran Among Chadbower (rus Imp), 3 year old, good size and lovely shape in profile, masculine foxy head, dark eyes and scissor bite, front legs viewed straight and well under his body, slightly arched neck into cobby body, good coat with cape and culottes, well angulated rear quarters, just let me and himself down while being examined on the table sticking his tongue out while checking bite, I tried to push it back then handler had a go! He didn’t like it one bit and got very angry. He should have been my CC winner today but had to be content with the Reserve CC. 2 Holmes’s, All Set For Dencas Alpha Nero Cpw19, 5 ½ year old black, this one also has too much substance up front so is overloaded, which showed up on the move throwing his front about, lovely proportioned masculine head with good underjaw and scissor bite, dark eyes of good shape, ears well placed, neck strong with mane and coat harsh with culottes, good rear quarter. 3 Donaldson’s, Zorbaloo Don Julio.
VD (3) 1 Collier’s, Ch Stoneyburn Banna, 8 years young black, lovely proportioned masculine head with good underjaw and scissor bite, dark eyes of good shape, ears well placed, neck strong with mane into compact body, coat harsh with culottes, good rear quarters, moved with brisk short stride, Best Veteran. 2 Massey’s, Ristine Tweedledee, 8 years young black, smaller than winner but still has a nice shape in profile and good overall type, masculine head with foxy expression, dark oval eyes and scissor bite, moderate length ear, neck of good length into cobby body, lacking in coat no cape and close lying, nice rear quarters, moved out steady. 3 Brooks’s, Fandal’s Viljam At Ridgebrook (nbt) (Imp Fin).
MPB (1) 1 Rollinson’s, Chadbower Roisin, 8 months old came out of coat today which made her look long especially her neck, she also lacks chest, head foxy with enquiring alert expression, dark brown eyes, well placed small ears, scissor bite, front legs viewed straight with ample bone, good topline and tail set, brisk mover well presented and shown.
PGB (1) 1 Forknall and Holland’s, Zorbaloo Happy Hour Again At Avidore, 20 months old very feminine and of medium size, but just lacking in substance, I can see her doing well once bodied up and mature, front legs nice and straight with compact feet, good coat texture and small cape with full tail, very quick on the move with good even action.
LB (1) 1 Daskalova’s, Natasha Dencas Under My Skin, 3 years old black, were have you been? There is a God, thank you! Just my type and absolutely stunning, Owner/Handle had no clue what she had, and can she move, excellent breed type, good size and she is well constructed, feminine foxy head with alert expression, dark brown oval shaped eyes, well placed ears, scissor bite, strong neck into short back with good topline and bob tail, front legs viewed straight with ample bone, balanced rear quarters, brisk and steady mover, well shown. Looking at her in the final line up made me emotional as she looked like my Champion Bitch (Daisy), it gave me immense pleasure to award her, Bitch CC followed by Best of Breed.
OB (3) 1 Wilcox’s, Ch Dencas Come Dance With Me Jw, 3 years old, litter sister to my CC winner I now see, I have judged her on a previous occasion and awarded her well, feminine head with small erect ears, bright eyes of oval shape and dark brown in colour, scissor bite, compact body with back straight and strong to full tail, well developed thighs, brisk mover, well presented and shown. Reserve CC. 2 Philpott’s, Ch Komargo Going For Gold, 5 ½ years old cream, fine foxy head with moderate length muzzle, brown oval eyes and erect ears, front legs viewed straight with medium bone and cat like feet, good coat just a touch soft in texture and full tail, cobby body, coming towards me she has a brisk stride and her rear movement was nice and even.
VB (1) 1 Bugg’s, Ch Komargo Fearless Florence, 7 ½ years young, feminine foxy head with expression, dark brown oval shaped eyes, well placed ears, scissor bite, strong neck into short back with over sprung ribs and well carried tail, front legs viewed straight with ample bone, balanced rear quarters moved out even.
Keith Baldwin
PD (1) 1 Hood’s Django Alpha Nero With Arathorn. Provided a good start to my judging of the breed as he is typical and very smart on the move. Decent breadth of skull, dark expressive eyes and well carried ears. Good body for age. Harsh coat.
JD (1) 1 Mclachlan & Morrison Franhowil Its All Or Nothing. Best Puppy. Beautifully balanced with a fairly compact, pear shaped body. Keen alert expression, dark eyes, good breadth and depth of chest. Good coat, mane and frill developing nicely. Very good profile action.
OD (3,1) 1 Mclachlan & Morrison Fullmoon How Do You Like Me Now (Holland Cup Winner) CC and BOB. Cobby, with a sharp alert expression. Lovely dark eyes. Strong neck and good shoulders, legs well under the body and he is well ribbed and shapely with typical lighter hindquarters. Good mane, frill and culottes. Impressed on the move with his easy, true action. I gather today’s win gives him his title, congratulations. 2 Cheatham Ch Schipdale A Kind Of Magic ShCEx. Reserve CC. Another high quality dog. Good skull and ears. Very nicely balanced and he is true both out and back with a pleasing profile action. Well ribbed, cobby body.
VD (1) 1 Collier’s Ch Stoneyburn Banna. Best Veteran. Shapely and typical with a very good coat with a clearly defined cape. Attractive head and keen, foxy expression. In excellent condition. Sound and true on the move.
VB (4,2) 1 Reed’s Stoneyburn Maia. CC. Fairly broad skull with good ears and lovely dark eyes. Excellent forehand with legs well under the body and small feet. Cobby body, sound and steady on the move. 2 Reed’s Stoneyburn Arbeia. Reserve CC. Litter sister to the winner. She looks a little more matronly than Maia and is slightly lighter in eye. This doesn’t detract for her expression. Good hard coat. Well bodied with typical cut up. Moved well with a brisk, easy action.
Tom Mather
Puppy D (1)
1st Place 2329 – Django Alpha Nero with Arathorn (Imp Cze) (Ms S Hood)
Liked his size and he has a correct coat. Lovely eye and expression. Medium neck into a good front. He could be slightly shorter in back. Moderate rear. Brisk action and accurate up and back.
Junior d (2)
1st Place 2333 – Franhowil Its All or Nothing (Miss L & Mrs K & Miss J Mclachlan & Morrison & Mclachlan)
Really super pup, throws a great silhouette and he is so lively and alert. Liked his size. Good head. Dark eyes and v good ears. Correct neck. His angulation is moderate and balanced. Could be shorter in loin. Correct coat texture and demarcation coming. Accurate mover with brisk stride. CC & BOB. Well done on winning puppy group.
2nd Place 2336 – Schipdale Barnaby (Dr T M & Mrs L D Thorne)
Can look slightly longer than 1 . Has an appealing masc head. Dark eyes. Medium neck. His angulation is balanced. Level topline. He is accurate on the move. Correct length stride.
Post grad d ne
Limit d ne
Open d (3)
1st Place 2331 – Ristine Magical Spice (nbt) (Mrs C A Massey)
Liked his outline and he is very well made, he could just put more into showing. Good eye shape. Neat ears. Correct neck. Well laid shoulder. Well sprung rib. Level topline ok tear. Fairly accurate and correct stride. RCC
2nd Place 2335 – Ir Ch Summerhaze Shafran among Chadbower (Imp Rus) Ir Jch (Mrs M & Mrs B Rollinson & Manners)
Liked his body, he is shorter in back than 3. Well proportioned head. Dark eyes and good ears. Medium neck. Well ribbed. More angulation at rear than front. Sound mover.
3rd Place 2330 – Revloch Fire at Will Cjw19 (Ms S Hood)
S beginners d/b. Ne
Veteran d/b (1)
1st Place 2332 – Ristine Tweedledee (Mrs C A Massey)
He is slightly long and whilst stands rather wide in front is ok moving towards. Good head with a flat skull. Medium neck. Well sprung ribs. Liked his turn of stifle. Low hocks.
Puppy b (1)
1st Place 2334 – Chadbower Roisin (Mrs M Rollinson)
V promising pup but just too raw and unready for a CC today. She is well proportioned. Fem in head. V moderate in her angulation. Quite accurate on the move. Needs to body up and at the moment v between coats. BB
Junior B. ne
Post Grad B ne
Limit B ne
Open B ne
Jeff Horswell
JD (2,1) 1 Django Alpha Nero With Arathorn (Imp Cze) Masculine dog. Balanced head with appealing expression. Correct width of skull. Correct ear set. Dark eye of correct shape. Correct body shape with slightly lighter hindquarters. Correct spring of rib and good bone. Moved soundly coming and going and well in profile. Enough coat. Excellent temperament. OD (7) 1 Ir Ch Summerhaze Shafran Among Chadbower (Imp Rus) Ir J Ch Correct body proportions. Masculine with excellent head and expression. Lovely dark eye of correct shape. Strong pigmentation. Chest broad and deep with well sprung ribs. Correct taper to body with short strong loin. Firm topline. Full mane and culottes of correct texture. Moved soundly in all directions and in profile with typical brisk stride. Pleased to award him the CC 2 CH Schipdale A Kind Of Magic ShCEX Masculine dog of correct proportions. Excellent head and expression of correct balance. Lovely eye. Correct ear and size. Body shape correct broad deep chest and lighter hindquarters. Moved soundly in all directions. Enough coat of correct texture. Excellent temperament. My reserve CC winner VD (2) 1 Ch Aradet Action Man ShCM VW Balanced head with dark eye of correct shape. Excellent pigmentation. Balanced angulation fore and aft. Well sprung ribs. Slightly lighter hindquarters. Moved soundly. Excellent temperament. 2 Ristine Tweedledee Masculine dog. Excellent had and expression. Correct ear set and shape. OK spring of rib. Excellent topline. Enough bone. Moved ok in all directions. Not in the best of coats today. PB (1) 1 Chadbower Roisin Feminine head and expression. Excellent eye shape and colour. Well set ears of correct shape held erect. Enough spring of rib. Moved ok in all directions. Super temperament. In her petticoat today! PGB (1) 1 Zorbaloo Happy Hour Again At Avidore Feminine bitch belying her age. OK body proportions. Very pleasing head and expression. Super dark eye of correct shape. Well balanced fore and aft. Enough spring of rib. Tapered body. Moved soundly in all directions. Out of coat today but nothing to hide. Super temperament. My reserve CC winner OB (2,1) 1 Am Ch/Ch/Sp Ch Fullmoon Makin Mischief (Imp USA) Super feminine bitch of correct size and body proportions. Balanced head and pleasing expression. Super eye shape and dark in colour. Correct ears which are well set. Balanced angulation fore and aft. Correct body shape. Broad deep chest with well sprung ribs. Dense coat topped with enough frill and culottes. Moved soundly in all directions and with typical brisk profile action. Excellent temperament. Delighted to award her the CC and then Best of Breed. VB (2,1) 1 Ch Chadbower Nevaeh Lahetti Correct body proportions. Feminine head and expresson. Super eye shape and colour. Lovely pigmentation. Correct ear set and carriage. Enough spring of rib with super taper to body. Moved soundly out and back. Out of coat today. Super temperament.
Ashley Reid
LD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 383 DUNNET, Mrs D Splendid Three Color Joshua At Roshven (Imp Rus) 6 yr old who is well coated showing correct cape and culottes, but showing a lot of red through. Nice head piece good eyes and ears teeth could be better, would benefit movement by loosing a bit of weight.
OD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 387 MCLACHLAN, Miss L&J & MORRISON, Miss Kristin Fullmoon How Do You Like Me Now (holland Cup Winner. 2.5-year-old male I gave best puppy to last time I judged he has continued to improve with age. Good head and well-made front, dark eye, in full bloom with correct cape and culottes, true black in colour. Well conditioned body which showed in his effortless movement around the ring. Happy to award him DCC & BOB. 2nd: 384 HALL, Ms D Chadbower Drew Of Ghilgrange 6.5-year-old black male. Not the outline of 1st Good head well made rear with decent feet moved ok
VD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 382 COLLIER, Mrs Louise Ch Stoneyburn Banna 8 years young nicely made with good angles on front and rear assembly, nice head piece with dark eye and good dentition , well coated with clear markings in the coat moved well RDCC BVIB
2nd: 380 BUGG, Mrs Karen Komargo Frankie Falsetto 8 year old boy who is taller in the leg than 1st nicely made rear, good coat well defined. Nice foxy head. Movement ok in rear but pinned in in front.
JB (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 386 HALL, Ms D Ghilgrange Hanky Panky. 13 months old slightly timed girl, finer in bone. nice head and expression, decent coat. Moved ok in rear would prefer better front.
LB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 385 HALL, Ms D Roopec’s Gonna Get Ya With Ghilgrange Finner bitch with low body condition, nice neck good ears when she used them lower body condition than I prefer, moved well in front but had weaker rear.
VB (5 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 393 REED, Mrs J & Miss K Stoneyburn Maia litter sister to the RDCC, a truly special litter, 8 year old girl who I have admired since a youngster. So smart on the move due to her great construction throughout, well coated with good definition to her coat beautiful head with pleasing foxy expression happy to award her the CC her second I was informed. 2nd: 381 BUGG, Mrs Karen Ch Komargo Fearless Florence another 8-year-old a worthy Champion, although heavier set she moved well. Lovely body shape with a well-presented good coat nice expressive head with dark eye and well set ears. RBCC
3rd: 392 REED, Mrs J & Miss K Stoneyburn Arbeia:
Judge Karin Hickson.
A very disappointing entry, which I understand is the norm at the moment. The breed needs to support these shows the alternative being they will lose CCs which regrettably is inevitable if this trend continues. Only two males appeared CC from open Rollinson & Manners IR/CH/ Summerhaze Shafran Chadblower, 3 year old very balanced and scored for bone and balance. Nice head with well set ear used to advantage. Clean neck and shoulder and better top line than the Reserve. Smart on the move.
RCC from Limit Halls Chadblower Drew Ghilgrange. Not quite the balance or bone of winner, but stacks up well and he has a nice head and expression. Deep body with good quarters close up in movement to winner.
PB (3) 1 Manners – Roopec Keep Up With Me, raw baby ultra feminine good balance to body which is developing well enough bone and good feet moved out very smartly. Best Puppy. 2 Rollinson – Chadblower Roisin, not as settled as winner but showing lots of promise, just needs more confidence when stacked and will do her share of winning.
JB (2) 1 Manners – Roopec Just One More, litter sister to winner of puppy lovely head and expression but a little sharp on the table, so needs firm handling I gave her the benefit of the doubt as she was such a baby.
OB (1) 1 Mclachan & Morrison, Franhowil Luv Or Hate Me, very well made youngster with lots of potential. Handles so well great head eye and expression. Nicely angulated fore and aft. Very smart move looks great in profile. Being hypercritical would like a tad more length of leg. CC/ BOB and shortlisted in GROUP
V (2) 1 Reed – Stoneyburn Maia, smart bitch full of breed type scored for balance over her kennelmate and felt she had a darker eye. Put up a good performance out and back. RCC 2 Reed – Stoneyburn Arbeia, very similar to winner in head and body properties just preferred overall balance of winner.
Ernie Paterson
VD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: COLLIER, Mrs Louise Ch Stoneyburn Banna
a dog of good size, compact and typical outline, lovely head and expression, neat well placed ears, legs well under the body, good rib and substance well set tail.
2nd: MASSEY, Mrs C Ristine Tweedledee
attractive headed dog with dark eyes, ok in front and has a good rib, not quite as compact as the winner
JD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1461 JONES, Miss Catherine GB Fr Undertaker Jet Du Red Dragon De Jupiter (Imp
a very short and compact dog of good type, quality head and eye, well constructed in front. he has a lovely outline, deep well ribbed body, good tail set, nice coat texture
LD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: HALL, Ms D Chadbower Drew Of Ghilgrange
a smart dog of good size, very compact and gives a good outline, very neat well placed ears, correct mouth with dark eye, head of good shape, true front with enough width, ribs are well sprung. ok quarters, lovely coat texture. clear colour
OD (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: MASSEY, Mrs C Ristine Magical Spice (nbt)
a cream who comes across as being so correct for size and type, lovely clear colour, quality head, dark well shaped eyes, true front which has width, at times a bit lazy with his ears, well shaped head onto a true front , good rib and coupling, rounded croup. CC winner
2nd: MCLACHLAN, Miss L&J & MORRISON, Miss Kristin Ch Fullmoon How Do You Like Me Now (holland Cup Wi
a very attractive dog, alert and compact, he has a very pleasing head, neat well placed and used ears, true front and good rib, jet black coat of good texture but a bit too much of it for me RCC
3rd: FORKNALL, Mrs D Avidore Putin On The Style
SBD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: FINCH, Ms Emma Ristine Starry Night AW(S)
a typical headed dog with dark eyes, neat set high ears, lovely rib and substance, legs well under, close lying coat, nice quarters,
VB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: REED, Mrs J & Miss K Stoneyburn Maia
litter sisters , so similar remarks apply, the first was a touch bigger of lovely type, stands with legs well under, a pleasing head giving a food expression, coat shows cape and culotted
2nd: REED, Mrs J & Miss K Stoneyburn Arbeia
touch smaller of good shape, lovely coat
MPB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: MASSEY, Mrs C Miofrey Magical With Ristine
a very promising pup with a sweet head and expression, good eye, ear set good, ok front, needs time for ribs to develop, lovely topline and tail set
PB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: MASSEY, Mrs C Miofrey Magical With Ristine
LB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: FORKNALL, Mrs D & FORKNALL, Mr D & HOLLAND, Mrs & Zorbaloo Happy Hour Again At Avidore
a very nice bitch with a classic outline, head of good shape, dark eye and lovely ear set, correct mouth, well ribbed in body, compact and angulated quarters, well textured coat
OB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: MCLACHLAN, Miss L&J & MORRISON, Mrs Kristin & PLOU Am Ch Multi Ch Fullmoon Makin Mischief (imp Usa)
a very attractive black in pristine condition. typical in head and eye, super neat ears, legs well under, good rib and substance without losing quality, rounded croup. Coat in good condition, Remarkable for her 9 years. CC and BOB, Veteran Group Winner and Best Veteran In Show
2nd: PHILPOTT, Miss Janice Ch Komargo Going For Gold
so correct to go over, when veiwed from above is the correct pear shape, lovely rib and substance, super colour, unfortunate to come up against the winner RCC
3rd: HALL, Ms D Roopec’s Gonna Get Ya With Ghilgrange
VD (3,1) 1. Brooks’ Fandal’s Viljam at Ridgebrook NBT (imp FIN). 9 years old, broad flat skull, not much stop, small black nose, bright oval eyes, strong erect ears, strong shortish neck, broad deep chest, compact body, small cat like feet, dense harsh coat, sound steady mover, RDCC & BV. 2. Massey’s Ristine Tweedledee. Another with a quality head and expression, super coat, high tail carriage, straight front with good feet and pasterns, well bodied, not as compact as 1. JD (2) 1. Jones’ GB Fr Undertaker Jet Du Red Dragon De Jupiter (imp). Small cobby dog with foxy expression, well balanced head, dark oval eye, well carried ears, enough neck, short straight back, broad deep chest, faulty coat, sound mover, BJ. 2. Hood’s Django Alpha Nero with Arathorn. Small dog with very good head and expression, shortish neck, compact body, coat could be harsher, not moving well in front today. LD (3) 1. Donaldson’s Mazal Tov Bestseller (imp RUS). Small quality dog with pear shaped body, foxy head, little stop, dark bright expressive eyes, well placed ears, short strong neck, broad deep chest, small neat feet, dense harsh coat. 2. Thorne’s Schipdale Barney. Completely different from 1, much rangier and lacks compactness, masculine head and expression, super top-line, quality feet, sound mover. 3. Hall’s Chadbower Drew of Ghilgrange. OD (6,1) 1. Hood’s Revloch Fire at Will CJW19. The star of the day, a very young looking 6 year old, has all the essentials, hard dense abundant coat, short and compact, broad deep chest, good ruff, tight feet, moved well, DCC & BOB. 2. Massey’s Ristine Magical Spice NBT. Quality cream, most of the qualities of 1 but not moving as well, short and compact, straight front legs, quality feet, well bodied, lovely type. 3. Brooks/Davis’ Deakie Donnie Dinnie. VB (1) 1. Bugg’s Ch. Komargo Fearless Florence. Top quality 8 year old who is full of quality, super head with a feminine expression, short and compact, broad deep chest, carrying too much weight which affected her movement. PB (3,1) 1. Donaldson’s Zorbaloo Chaviva Natania. Top quality 6 month old at her first show, had so much confidence both standing and moving, small and cobby, foxy head, short and compact, super outline, straight front legs with super feet and pasterns, still has a puppy coat, it was a pleasure to award her the BCC & BP. 2. Manners’ Roopec Keep Up With Me. Another quality puppy, rangier than 1, level top-line, foxy head, well bodied, sound mover. JB (3,1) 1. Rollinson’s Chadbower Roison. 12 months but still immature in body and coat, feminine head and expression, short and compact, level top-line, quality bone, tight feet, sound mover. 2. Manners’ Roopec Just One More. 6 month puppy, still very immature, quality head and expression, shortish neck, compact body, sound mover. LB (2,1) 1. Rollinson’s Chadbower Emilia. Quality bitch, movement and shape was spoiled by being too heavy, pear shaped body, small and compact, quality bone, dense harsh coat, RBCC.
Mr A Easdon
VD 1 Brooks, Fandal’s Viljam At Ridgebrook (nbt) (Imp Fin) Nine years old masculine head with excellent eye and expression, correct ear carriage, level topline with correct angulation front and rear and this showed on the move, in full coat. BV OD 1 McLachlan & Morrison, Franhowil Its All Or Nothing Fourteen months old standard male, stunning outline and oozing breed type, super masculine head and expression, flat skull ,erect ears used at all times with dark expressive well set eye, correct bite and dentition, well arched neck sloping into well laid shoulder, decent depth of brisket, broad chest, super topline with strong loin, excellent rounded rump, moved out well holding topline in side gait. CC and BOB 2 Cheatham & Cheatham, Ch Schipdale A Kind Of Magic ShCEx Five years old excellent head with dark eye and pigment, neat ears, level topline, correct croup with compact body, well ribbed and balanced, super coat, excellent on the move. RCC 3 Hall, Chadbower Drew Of Ghilgrange OB (1) 1 Hall, Roopec’s Gonna Get Ya With GhilgrangeMizuki Standard girl with pleasing head, excellent eye and expression, correct ear carriage, well arched neck and well laid shoulder with pleasing front and rear, moved and handled well. BCC
Paul Harding
VD (2) 1. Ch Stoneyburn Banna – Excellent balance and bone and movement from all angles. Head properties pleased with good ear shape and set. Would prefer a darker eye. 2. Ristine Tweedledee – Movement very good all round however gives a little length in back on the move.
JD (2) 1. Undertaker Jet Du Red Dragon De Jupiter (imp Fra) – upstanding young male of excellent shape and balance. Enough coat of good texture although in between coats at present it still shows demarcation. Front hind quarters and all round movement excellent. Head properties very good with good depth of muzzle. Good bite. Tail and set good. Res. Dog CC 2. Django Alpha Nero with Arathorn – Smaller and not the shape of 1. Head properties pleased with good eye colour and shape. Ears neat and small. Movement good in profile.
LD (3) 1. Tredreas Black Jack Avec Karmore – 4year well developed upstanding with excellent coat and balance. Very good tail and set. Head properties pleased. Ears good could be smaller. Would prefer eyes with a better shape and a little darker. Movement very good front, hind and profile. 2. Schipdale Barnaby – An appealing boy that still needs to develop but he is an upstanding male with good balance. Excellent tail set. All round movement excellent. Head properties very good with a lovely length of muzzle. Very good Ears and eyes.
OD (7) 1. Avidore Putin On The Style – Mature male well developed in full coat with good demarcation. Balanced and upstanding showing a typical Schipperke shape. Excellent tail set. Very good bone. Head properties very good with good expression. Ears neat and small. Movement both Front and hind very good. Dog CC & BOB, Best Veteran. 2. Ch. Schipdale Kind Of Magic Shcex – In excellent condition, upstanding with a close coat. Excellent head properties with neat small ears and all round movement very well handled.
VB (3) 1. Ch. Chadbower Nevaeh Lahetti – very good outline and condition and tail set. Head properties pleased with very good ear set. A pleasure to watch on the move. Res. Bitch CC 2. Stoneyburn Maia – Good body shape, front and hind quarters and all round movement. Head properties and muzzle very good would prefer the ears a tad smaller.
PB (3) 1. Zorbaloo Chaviva Natania – upstanding, balance and shape excellent. Bone sufficient. Would prefer a higher tail set. Very good head properties, muzzle ears small and neat. Good eye colour but would prefer a better shape of eye. Movement from all quarters pleased. BP 2. Miofrey Magical with Ristine – Out of coat today but still showing demarcation. She does not help herself on the stand by long gating the body. Front quarters could be stronger. Head properties good still developing. Movement pleased.
JB (2) 1. Roopec Just One More – 7 months upstanding with very good shape and tail. Head properties still developing. Movement very good from all directions. 2. Miofrey Magical with Ristine – as Puppy Bitch
LB (1) 1. Zorbaloo Happy Hour Again at Avidore – Excellent shape and balance but left her coat at home. Head properties very good with lovely ears, eye colour and shape making a lovely picture. Movement was confirmed the make and shape of the front and hind quarters.
OB (3,1abs) 1. Ch. Tredreas Scotia Princess Among Avidore – Size and shape very good in excellent coat with demarcation. Tail and set very good. Movement confirmed construction. Head properties gave a feminine picture Bitch CC 2. Chadbower Emilla – compact and square. Bone very good. Head properties pleased with ears neat and small. Would prefer darker eye. Movement very good from all quarters.
Melanie Reed-Peck
I would like to thank the committee of SWKA for the invitation to judge Schipperkes, I know that there was a long delay due to Covid lockdown but it was well worth the wait. Thank you to the exhibitors that made the journey to Wales. It was lovely entry, all the exhibits were in good condition with sound constuction and good dentition. Temperaments were good.
VD (2,1) 1 Massey’s Ristine Tweedledee A lively 8year old black with a pleasing outline and well balanced. Lovely head and expression, dark eye, correct ear set and shape but didn’t always use them to his advantage today. Good body with correct amount of bone. Coat texture and coat pattern good. A sound mover but didn’t always make the most of his tail, this may have been due to the acoustics in the hall.
MPD (1) 1 Wearing’s MiofreyDazzling 8mth old, black who was possibly a little overawed with his surroundings but in true Schip style soon took them on board. Lively and alert. Presenting a pleasing square outline and well balanced and in good coat. Good head , displaying correct expression, and a fullness under a well shaped eye. Well set on ears of correct size all put together to make a typical Schipperke head. Once he settled move out and back well, lively and alert.
PD (1) 1 Wearing’s Miofrey Dazzling as minor puppy class
JD (1) 1 Hood’s Django Alpha Nero with Aragorn (imp CZE) 15mth black of good type and shape. Balanced in profile with correct bone and spring of rib, well constructed. Coat texture good and showing demarcations. Slightly arched neck well set on with lovely head type dark eye of correct shape, ear set and size correct, used his ears well making for an appealing foxy expression. Moved out and back very soundly.
LD (4) 1 Millard, McKenna & Mckenna’s Tredreas Black Jack avec Karmore. A 4yearold black. A lovely dog of substance, very soundly constructed good bone and well balanced. presenting a good outline, level topline correct body shape and well ribbed well muscled at the rear. Very pleasing head, balanced with lovely expressive eyes and well set ears of moderate length all put together to make a keen foxy expression. In full coat correct texture in good conditioned well demarcated. Moved out with drive, true both out and back. He won this class by a ‘head’. Very pleased to award him RDCC. 2 Thorne’s Schipdale Barnaby. Another delightful dog 18months old .A well put together black dog. Balanced with good bone, slightly arched neck with masculine head presenting a lovely outline. Dark expressive eyes and well set on ears making for an alert expression. Coat in excellent condition a smoother coat than 1, but of correct texture and coat pattern. Moved out briskly, true fore and aft. One to look out for in the future! 3 Finch’s Ristine Starry Night
OD (9,2) 1 Wilson’s Schipdale Nightfall at Lyncathmore 5year old black with a stunning outline in full coat. Well put together with good bone, a firm topline with deep chest and good spring of ribs and well muscled on the rear. Lovely head shape, expressive dark eyes, ears of moderate length and well placed giving a typical Schipperke expression. This dog showed a vitality which was expressed in his movement and temperament. I was delighted to award him the DCC and BOB. 2 Donaldson’s Ir CH Zorbaloo Don Julio .Black dog also full of vitality, slightly smaller frame than1. He too presents a pleasing outline is well balanced with a good tail set and sound level topline and well muscled rear. Bone in proportion to body. In good coat with correct demarcations. Masculine head correct skull shape and muzzle, dark eye and well set ears giving a particularly alert expression. A steady brisk mover. 3 Hood’s Revloch Fire at Will
VB (2,1) 1 BV Manner’s CH Chadbower Nevaeh Lahetti 8year old black who presented balanced outline of good proportions with appropriate bone. Close coat of good texture and demarcations. Feminine head with correct eye shape and colour, neat ears which are well placed to give a lovely foxy expression. moved soundly. BV
MPB (3) 1 Donaldson’s Zorbaloo Chaviva Natania Delightful promising 8month old black puppy looking quite mature for her age. In good coat, presenting lovely balanced outline, square and compact with correct amount of bone. Feminine head, expressive eyes with good ear carriage making for a bright alert expression. Moved out smartly with drive. I loved her vivacious attitude. RBCC, BP 2 Manner’s Keep Up With Me 9months, black. Not as mature in body as 1 but with plenty of promise. A touch up on the leg and needs to fill out a little just needs more time. Balanced head uses ears well and has bright alert expressive eyes. Settled down well and displayed good movement fore and aft. 3 Massey’s Miofrey Magical With Ristine
PB (2) 1 Manner’s Just One More Lively 8 mth old black. Feminine in outlook balance of bone to body good, just needing to fill out a little and time to mature to reach her potential. Feminine good shaped head and expression. Close coat well patterned. More settled on the move than 2, moved out well. 2 Massey’s Miofrey Magical with Ristine 9mth old black lively and alert, important characteristics for a Schipperke. Was unsettled at first but soon adapted to her surroundings. Nice outline, good tail carriage, with balanced head, moderate ears well placed and inquisitive dark eyes giving an appealing expression. Unsettled at times on the move.
PGB (1) 1 Rollinson’s Chadbower Fell from Heaven 2year old black. Pleasing outline although a little long in loin at the moment possibly needing to body up somewhat, bone satisfactory. Close coat with some demarcation. Balanced head, dark oval eye, well placed neat ears with a typical keen Schip expression. Lively and alert, moved out well.
OB (1) 1 BCC Philpott’s CH Komargo Going for Gold Lovely 6year old cream bitch compact, well bodied with correct amount of bone presenting a typical Schip outline. Good reach of neck, together with depth of chest and holds her topline well. Short coupled and tail carriage good. Coat texture and coat pattern correct. Well developed head with dark oval eye and neat ears. Moved out briskly, true and accurate. BCC
Diane Forknall